Saturday, April 16, 2011

EZUltrasound-Home Ultrasound Machine

Ultrasound machines are used as therapy at a physical therapist's office, but you can also own one and use it in your own home for consistent pain relief and therapy in your home. A home ultrasound machine of medical quality is available for easy use. One example of this is the EZUltrasound home ultrasound machine.

Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to therapeutically easy pain, muscle spasms and inflammation. Ultrasound therapy is used in the home via a home ultrasound machine. Home ultrasound can be used for treating chronic pain, fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendonitis, and arthritis. High frequency sound waves are used to pulsate the tissue right under the skin for a type of massage that is very healing and soothing to many pain related conditions.

Home ultrasound therapy is provided to the skin through a wand. Using a specific type of gel, the home ultrasound machine causes a pulsating deep tissue massage, when it is rubbed over the area being treated. The gel helps prevent friction while the ultrasound waves gently massage the area under the skin, providing circulation and better blood flow to the painful or inflamed area.

Home ultrasound machines can be beneficial to an individual's therapy in several ways. First, the home ultrasound can use heat as well as the sound pulsations to massage the area in question and relieve pain. Sound pulses at a rate of thousands of times per second, and, when combined with heat, can be extremely soothing to injured tendons and ligaments.

Home ultrasound machines also increase blood flow to muscles, which can relieve pain. This type of therapy is especially useful when treating headaches and overworked muscles that need pain relief. Home ultrasound treatment is also therapeutic when used in trigger point areas of the body. The pulsing of the ultrasound, especially if combined with heat, causes trigger points to relax and to release tight muscles. Chronically inflamed tissue will become much less swollen and injured areas of the body with swelling will unwell when a home ultrasound is used. Studies show that bone fractures heal more quickly when ultrasound therapy is used, and that irritation to nerves can be lessened to a great extent when home ultrasound therapy is used.

Home ultrasound therapy is available through the use of home ultrasound machines. The EZUltrasound home ultrasound machine is a medical quality portable machine available for home use and healing.

Home Ultrasound Machine

A home ultrasound machine is capable of several therapeutic actions depending on the wave length generated by the instrument. One of these is increased healing to injuries involving tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. Your home ultrasound machine is capable of providing heat to these injuries and this heat is able to penetrate deeply into body tissues. Home ultrasound machines-quotes will help you find the home ultrasound machine that best serves your needs.
Another time to use therapeutic ultrasound machines-quotes is when new cell growth is needed at a rapid rate. The home ultrasound machine is able to generate bubbles in tissues and these bubbles are able to use the sound waves to stimulate cell membranes into action. This increases the inflammatory response causing more rapid healing.Therapeutic ultrasound machines-quotes can help you obtain a home ultrasound machine that is capable of dual functions.
Today, with the miniaturization of equipment, a hand held home ultrasound machine allows you to administer the therapy at home on a regular basis. There are several types of home therapeutic ultrasound machines-quotes available depending on your therapeutic need for sound generation.
The home ultrasound machine comes with a small device capable of generating the ultrasound. It comes with a liquid compound which is applied before the treatment area to increase the effect of the ultrasound. The kit also includes instructions and a log to check on the effectiveness of the treatment. Once the sound waves are generating, you rub the machine over the area on the skin for the ordered length of time. You need to follow your medical guidelines for the heat, because too much heat can cause more damage to the area you are trying to heal. When you use therapeutic ultrasound machines-quotes to buy your equipment, you want it to be successful.
Ultrasound has become used on a regular basis in sports rehabilitation, where it is often important for someone to heal an injury in a hurry. This is one reason athletes seem to heal so much faster than the rest of us. Another reason is in general, athletes really have more efficient constitutions than the rest of us. Sport physical therapy often leads the way for the rest of us weekend athletes. Sports therapists have been using therapeutic ultrasound machines-quotes to serve their patients for a long time.
Next time you have this type of injury, make sure your doctor and therapists know that you want to try ultrasound therapy to help with your pain and ease your recovery. Tell them you want to look at therapeutic ultrasound machines-quotes for your treatment.This is very easy to do at home, but is not always presented as an option to all patients. After all, you deserve to recover just as fast as your favorite soccer player.