In almost all cases, pain that refuses to go away is a symptom of an underlying disease. It may be due to a pinched nerve, piriformis syndrome, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, or any other chronic medical condition. In a vast majority of these cases, people suffering from pain are able to manage their pain through various methods and techniques. However, those who are unable to manage their pain might have to have surgery or begin a regimen that involves medications as advised by their healthcare practitioners.
As an example, in more than 70% of these cases, pain and other symptoms associated with lumbar degenerative disc disease subside within three months. Patients who do not experience pain subsiding within three months can take a number of self-help steps to manage their pain. Those that are unable to manage may often resort to over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications – or stronger prescription pain medications. Only in rare and severe cases will many doctors advise surgery.
Self help is most often recommended over taking medicines for pain relief. Painkillers not only have serious side effects when taken over a long period of time, but might also present risk of addiction. Using ice packs and heating pads can relax muscles while providing temporary relief. Ultrasound therapy machine is another self help measure that may help to improve the effectiveness of home therapy.
Ultrasound home machines have emerged as a new form of pain management that goes a long way when avoiding NSAIDs. There are two ways of experiencing relief from this therapeutic device. You could either go to a physical therapist that specializes in the treatment of pain by using ultrasound technology, or you could buy one of the many ultrasound home machines available on today’s market.
An ultrasound therapy machine generates heat deep within the tissues that the sound waves are directed towards. Regardless of whether you go to a therapist or use ultrasound home machines, a sound head is used to direct ultrasound waves at the affected part. Topical creams are applied to the affected area to enhance the healing process. The heat generated by the ultrasound therapy machine relaxes the muscle tissue and this allows you to perform the exercises recommended for pain relief by a therapist. Ultrasound home machines can also be used for other healing effects, such as reducing inflammation in the case of acute injuries by increasing blood flow to the affected area.
EZUltrasound is a company that is dedicated to improving the lives of those who suffer from chronic pain and occasional injuries. They specialize in providing a range of ultrasound machines for pain relief and topical gels that are used for quick recovery and deeper penetration. For more information, visit