Sciatica refers to acute spasmodic pain along the sciatic nerve that runs down the lower back to the back of the legs. Generally caused by the compression of the sciatica nerve, it may also be due to compression of lumbar nerves L4 or L5 or sacral nerves S1, 2, and 3. Regardless of the cause, sciatica pain can be extremely excruciating and cause immense mental and physical suffering. While chiropractic treatment is one of the most accepted treatments, a portable home ultrasound device can be used for effective pain relief.
The fact of the matter is that even a chiropractor uses ultrasound therapy for providing relief from pain. The difference is that a professional uses a larger machine that produces continuous ultrasound waves versus the pulsed ultrasound waves produced by a home ultrasound machine. The difference in the way ultrasound therapy is used is also the reason why portable ultrasound devices have to be used more frequently. They provide the same results as professional machines.
Ultrasound therapy creates bearable heat and helps increase blood circulation, which in turn reduces pain, cramping, stiffness, and muscle spasms. It is a safer method of pain relief than taking oral drugs. Ultrasound therapy enhances sonophoresis, the process that exponentially increases the absorption of pain relief drugs applied topically. Sonophoresis occurs when ultrasound waves stimulate micro-vibrations within the epidermis, the outer skin layer. The overall energy of the molecules that make up the topical agent (gel, cream or ointment) is increased. In simple language, ultrasound waves enhance penetration of topical creams for quicker and more effective healing.
However, the presence of too many ultrasound devices in the market often confuses people looking for pain relief as an alternative to oral drugs. One way of finding the right product is to read home ultrasound machine reviews.
Home ultrasound machine reviews provide details of product features and overall assessment can be accessed on the Internet. While reading such reviews make sure the reviews are unbiased and written by experts who provide technical details about how the devices work. Avoid reviews that appear to be biased because they are more likely to be sponsored by manufacturers. is one website that provides objective assessments of therapeutic ultrasound machines for home use. EZUltrasound is a provider of ultrasound machines dedicated to improving the quality of life of people suffering from painful conditions. Visit them to learn more about the benefits of ultrasound today.